Solve Your Food Struggles In 5 Days




Join the FREE 5-day challenge to solve your food struggles — for good.

Do You Find Yourself...

Stuck in an all-or-nothing cycle with healthy eating where you’re either following through perfectly or not at all?

Able to discipline yourself with food until life gets in the way and your control goes right out the window?

Struggling to harness willpower with your favorite foods when you come home from work or you’re experiencing stressful seasons of life?

Wondering how to balance enjoying foods you love with losing weight for the last time?

Feeling like healthy eating and weight loss can’t fit into your hectic lifeno matter how hard you try?

Here’s the thing. You don’t need more plans, protocols, or regimens to create the eating habits you want. You don’t need more willpower, effort, or hustle to create weight loss you desire.

That will only lead you to more of the same, where you perform highly with healthy eating only to “fall off track” weeks or months later.

What you’re looking for now is a permanent approach to your eating habits where you learn to eat healthy without hustle.

To do this, you simply need to learn the most effective skills to eat healthy naturally in a way that is realistic — no matter what season of your life you are in. 

This is the key to creating weight loss sustainably that lasts a lifetime. And, that’s where I come in.

My specialty is helping Type-A high-achieving women remove their food struggles so they can eat healthy naturally and lose weight for the last time.

I have personally helped hundreds of women achieve this goal.

Here’s what I can tell you about the results you want:

Change doesn’t need to take time or effort — it only takes knowing what your particular blind spots are.

In this 5-Day challenge, I’m going to teach you five pillars to removing your food struggles for life. As soon as we begin, you’ll start honing in on your areas of work and solving for them. You’ll gain clarity, get unstuck, and make significant shifts towards naturally healthy eating and permanent weight loss.

Through daily LIVE workshops & coaching, you will:

Day 1: End the on-track, off-track dieting cycle

Day 2: Establish self-discipline with food

Day 3: Lower cravings without willpower

Day 4: Enjoy foods you love without overindulging

Day 5: Let weight loss be simple

Get ready to solve your food struggles in 5 days.


Register Here:

I’m Kat Rentas, the lead coach of the Own Your Eating Habits program and the host of the top-ranking Healthy Eating For Busy Women Podcast. I’ve personally helped hundreds of women become naturally healthy eaters and lose weight for the last time. I specialize in helping ambitious high-achievers remove the hustle from healthy eating so they can reach their ideal weight with ease.  

My coaching philosophy is simple: every woman is, by nature, her own best eating expert. You already possess the tools to overcome your food challenges. You just need to gain access to a manual for healthy eating that teaches you how to use the tools you already have. That’s where I come in.

I can teach you how to solve your food struggles for life, become a naturally healthy eater, and lose weight for the last time.

Meet Your Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to learn to eat healthy naturally, without excess time, effort, or energy — you belong in this challenge. If you want to lose weight for the last time — you belong in this challenge. It doesn’t matter what your struggles are presently. Each teaching is designed to help you move forward from wherever you’re starting from now.

Each day of the challenge, you will have an opportunity to get personally coached by me. We will meet together as a group, on-camera via Zoom. You will feel like you’re a part of a tight-knit community moving towards one common goal. Keep in mind, even if you aren’t the one being personally coached, you will gain significant value from watching the coaching. You will also have the opportunity to request support in our community Facebook group during the challenge. Everyone will get what they need.

Yes, all calls will be recorded; however, you won’t want to miss out on personalized coaching on your eating struggles from me. This is where you have an opportunity to create the most massive transformation. I recommend doing whatever you can to attend the challenge LIVE — move plans, take the meeting in your car, move your lunch break, etc. These 5 days have the power to change your eating habits for life. 

“Food and weight loss now doesn’t even feel like it needs to be my top priority for it to occur. It’s just simple and easy, no matter what. I feel totally in control of all of it.”


“I eat intentionally, balance my food choices naturally, and don’t sweat enjoying “unhealthy” food when I want to. I know that I will never go on a diet, ever, ever again.”


I am more at peace with myself than I have ever been in my life. My relationship with food and eating is completely different. It works. What you will learn works.


“This will 100% be completely different than anything you’ve ever tried – which is a good thing! Kat really knows her stuff. This is a coach who has been there and can spot your patterns from a mile away.”


Ready to solve your food struggles?

Join the 5 Day Challenge now:

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