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Most women on the journey towards healthier eating have one goal in mind: to lose a certain number of pounds.
They want to eat a certain way so they can see the external results with their body that they desire.
And, who can blame women for doing this?
We live in a shallow, visually-driven society where beauty standards are high and self-esteem is at an all-time low.
Eating healthy to genuinely care for your body isn’t high on the priority list.
Manipulating food to have a hotter bod is what’s on the minds of most women I begin working with.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to lose weight.
In fact, this can be an excellent goal to work towards.
But losing weight should never, ever be the primary focus of eating healthy.
Let me explain why.
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Let me know if this sounds familiar…
You purchase a meal plan that you’ll follow to lose weight.
You’re so over diet programs that don’t work for you.
All you care about is eating the right healthy foods, so you can finally shed the pounds.
The meal plan mainly consists of all the standard healthy food items.
Such as lean meats, vegetables, and healthy grains.
You know that all you have to do is stick to this plan to achieve your weight loss goal.
Sounds simple, right?
A handful of weeks later you’re proud of yourself!
You’ve managed to stick it out and follow the meal plan correctly.
To your surprise, you’ve also lost the weight that you set out to lose.
But, eventually things start to go south.
A few weeks later, you start to crave items that aren’t on your list of “allowed” foods.
You try and harness willpower but eventually it runs out.
Little by little you start unconsciously eating various unhealthy food items.
Eventually you notice weight start to creep back on.
You feel out of control of your eating habits.
You hesitantly decide to step on a scale and weigh yourself.
Only to find that your weight is now the same as it was before – with maybe even a few extra pounds added.
You blame your lack of success on not having enough willpower, discipline, or self-control.
You’ll think, “What is wrong with me?”.
Back to the drawing board to figure out exactly what you need to eat to lose weight.
Here’s what’s really going on in this scenario…
When you attempt to eat healthy only out of a desire to lose weight, you promote a toxic relationship with food and body.
Not because you want to shed pounds.
But because you want to eat healthier from a desperation mentality.
When you eat healthy from a place of desperation, you’re not eating to care for your body.
You’re so desperate to force yourself to eat a certain way so you can gain the external results with your body.
Your intentions aren’t pure.
You’re forcing yourself to eat certain foods so you can lose weight.
Which essentially means, you’re trying to manipulate food for external gain.
I usually compare this situation to someone marrying for money.
That person will try to say and do all the right things to their wealthy partner.
With the intent of manipulating them to get superficial results in their life.
Does this sound like a healthy, lasting marriage?
Hell to the nope, girlfriend.
And manipulating food for superficial gain isn’t healthy either.
This will only cause you to resent food overall.
And there is a proper way to eat healthy that doesn’t revolve around weight loss.
You need to create a relationship with food based out of compassion and love.
To explore this further, let’s look into the concept of your future self.
If you’re on a weight loss journey, there’s no question you have a picture of your future self.
The healthiest, happiest version of you who lives life to the fullest.
Where you eat healthy effortlessly, have supreme body confidence, and continue to grow every year.
We all have this version of ourselves in our minds.
The good news? This version of yourself is one-hundred percent achievable.
However, if you obsess over weight loss when attempting to eat healthy, you’ll never become her.
You’ll never eat healthy effortlessly or lose the weight long-term.
Because the best version of yourself in the future isn’t obsessing over the number of pounds she needs to lose.
Here’s the truth…
You’ll need to adopt the healthy identity of your future self before you get the results with you body that you want.
In other words, visualize the version of yourself you want to become.
What does she think on a daily basis?
I guarantee you she’s not obsessing over eating the “right” things to get skinnier.
It’s very likely she hardly thinks about food at all.
She doesn’t constantly think about weight loss or how desperate she is to eat the right way.
The future version of you has different thoughts around food.
Where weight loss isn’t the primary focus.
This is an incredibly informative exercise if you do it for yourself.
I want you to explore for yourself what the healthiest version of you thinks on a daily basis.
What thoughts does she have about food?
What thoughts does she have about weight loss?
If these thoughts are out of line with what you’re thinking as your current self, it’s time to switch it up!
Learn to adopt the relationship with food that the future version of yourself has.
Without a focus on weight loss.
When you do this for yourself, you begin to understand what mindset you really need to eat healthy effortlessly.
And when you do this, the weight loss will occur naturally as a by-product.
Which means you can skip the restrictive eating, obsessing over the scale, and mind-numbing willpower – for good.
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Hey there! I'm Kat Rentas. I’m a certified life and health coach for women who believes that eating healthy should feel simple and sustainable. I teach hundreds of high-performing women to change their eating habits without the overwhelm. Want to change your eating habits in a way that is aligned with your needs, preferences, and goals? You’re in the right place. You can read my full story here.