Lose Weight Permanently

You’ve spent excessive amounts of time, energy, and resources attempting to eat healthy and lose weight.

Needless to say, you’re spent. You’re ready to move on from that approach. I’m here to teach you how.

In this hour masterclass, you’ll learn what’s preventing you from creating the weight loss you want, along with what’s necessary to solve for healthy eating and weight loss for the very last time.


without tracking and planning

Oct 2

Limiting Food Beliefs

Limiting Food Beliefs Kat Rentas-2

If you’re unsure why you keep sabotaging your healthy eating habits, it can often come down to one small, sneaky thing:

Your thoughts.

Most of the population is completely unaware of the thoughts that are playing through their heads daily.

Their brains are living on autopilot. These unsupervised thoughts run on a loop throughout your life.

Which, in turn, shape your beliefs around everything.

Including your relationship with food.

Not supervising our thoughts is incredibly dangerous and self-sabotaging.

Especially if you’re trying to create sustainable healthy eating habits that last.

What Shapes Our Food Beliefs

Any thought pattern or belief system you have has been shaped since your childhood.

This is especially true when it comes to food.

When you’re born, you don’t yet have a belief system around food.

Your relationship with food is entirely dependent on your internal hunger signals.

Which allows you to eat the way nature, and your body, intended you to eat.

As you got older, outside factors influenced the way you viewed eating.

These forces also skewed the way you viewed your body.

It’s not uncommon for women I work with to have developed a negative relationship with food and their body due to negative childhood belief systems.

If you’re struggling to eat healthy, it’s more than likely that you’re having negative food thoughts and judgements run rampant in your brain.

Most aren’t aware that these thoughts are even present.

These belief systems around food have been so conditioned that they attach them to their identity.

They see these food beliefs as part of “who they are”.

It’s when you start attaching negative belief systems to your identity that things start to get really dangerous.

Examples of Limiting Food Beliefs

Here are some noteworthy examples of limiting food (and body) beliefs:

  • “Carbs will make you fat”
  • “Dairy isn’t healthy for you”
  • “I’m addicted to sugar”
  • “Obesity runs in my family”
  • “I shouldn’t eat after a certain time of the day”
  • “Sweets are bad for me” 
  • “Vegetables aren’t satisfying”
  • “You shouldn’t eat after 8PM”

The Confusion

There’s no denying that in our current society, it’s difficult to separate opinion from fact in terms of food.

Unfortunately for us, the health industry primarily focuses on making a profit.

Which is why you’ll hear different “food rules” being preached to you – year after year.

When in reality, the basics of healthy eating are never changing.

Our bodies know that eating to nourish our bodies is a simple practice.

It’s no secret as to which foods are nutritionally sound for our bodies.

However, this doesn’t stop the health industry from capitalizing on your desire to become healthier.

So, they try and convince you of different food beliefs every season to convince you that their diet will solve all your problems.

This makes things especially confusing.

When you’re battling with your past food beliefs from childhood, along with these new food beliefs that the health industry is thrusting upon you.

The way out of this dilemma?

Choosing your own food thoughts and beliefs.

How We Choose Our Thought Patterns

I want you to commit to a journal exercise.

Where you set a timer for ten minutes and write your history with food.

Examine your past with food and your body on a deep level.

I want you to notice what food beliefs come up for you.

Maybe you were…

…expected to finish everything on your plate?

…constantly told that you should weigh less?

…led to believe that sweets and indulgences were “bad”?

Think about this.

There is no wrong way to do this.

And everyone has food beliefs that were instilled in them from their past.

Show yourself from compassion and participate in this exercise free from judgement.

From this exercise, you become aware of why your relationship with food is the way it is.

This awareness is everything.

And it’s the first step to creating a loving, nourishing, and lasting relationship with food that feels effortless.

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The exclusive coaching program for high-achieving women who want to eat naturally healthy – without restriction, effort, or willpower – so they can better focus on the things in life that matter to them most.

Kat Rentas, Healthy Eating Coach

Hey there! I'm Kat Rentas. I’m a certified life and health coach for women who believes that eating healthy should feel simple and sustainable. I teach hundreds of high-performing women to change their eating habits without the overwhelm. Want to change your eating habits in a way that is aligned with your needs, preferences, and goals? You’re in the right placeYou can read my full story here.